Selasa, 25 Juli 2017

Disiksa Tiba Tiba

الانعام : 44

فلما نسوا ما ذكروا به فتحنا عليهم ابواب كل شي ء. حتى اذا فر حوا بما اوتوااخذنهم بغتة فاذا هم مبلسون.

Maka ketika mereka melupakan peringatan yang telah diberikan kepada mereka, Kami pun membukakan semua pintu (kesenangan) untuk mereka. Sehingga ketika mereka bergembira dengan apa yang telah diberikan kepada mereka, Kami siksa mereka secara tiba tiba, maka ketika itu mereka terdiam putus asa

Akabira Mujrimiha

الانعام : 123

وكذلك جعلنافي كل قريه اكبر مجر ميها ليمكروا فيها. وما يمكرون الا بانفسهم وما يشعرون.

Dan demikianlah pada setiap negeri Kami jadikan pembesar pembesar yang jahat agar melakukan tipu daya di negeri itu. Tapi mereka hanya menipu diri sendiri tanpa menyadarinya.


riddle of the year : the hypocrisy-official’s hidden drama

berkata salah seorang sahabat nabi :
"apabila aku diberi satu kesempatan doa yang pasti terkabul, maka akan aku gunakan untuk mendoakan seorang pemimpin. karena seorang pemimpin akan mempengaruhi banyak orang. sedangkan doa untukku hanyalah untuk diriku saja."

doa dan kritik konstruktif adalah hak mereka. namun memadukannya dengan unsur menebar kebencian, menghasut, memanipulasi, adalah kesalahan. jadi sudahlah, doakan saja dan kritisi mereka dengan baik.

semoga Allah membimbingmu dalam memipin, pak Jokowi.

Kamis, 06 April 2017

Behind the Wall of My Country’s Governance

this country is. im seeing discrimination in any way, aiming a single group. islam--and anything or anyone that has something to do with it--. exactly like how Nabi Muhammad (shalawat upon him) told us :

islam came as something peculiar and leave as something peculiar. and so, lucky for those who are part of that peculiar.

i dont understand how could the determination of Ahok’s sentence took this long. there are too much drama happening behind the governance. too much officials that backing him up. earnestly covering his obvious error that insinuate muslim as a whole. he just broke our heart into pieces! saying the things he shouldnt have. he went too far. so why? instead of protecting our right, you desperately trying to turn the blame back into us? had all your head gone funny?

indeed I present you My Grandeur before your eyes. so why dont you heed and think?

proof are very simple. 212 action which is joined by millions people left no destruction AT ALL whether it’s on the way to monas nor in monas itself. we did really show you our genuine polite and peace attitude. a very rare scene for an action that demanding a justice after got a situation that trigger a massive wrath. and instead of welcoming us, you run, escaping, and forgetting your position as a president?
we just need to talk. are you really that scared?
then without feeling any sorry you come back and saying things like,

this is an act of terror! we need to seriously take a preventive action. no more demonstration! or we’ll label you as an extremist!

and start jailing people (precisely a muslim) for the sin they never done.

but then muslims are way too strong. such pressure wont work against us. that’ll only strengthen our bond and will. the da’i-s, muslim officials, muslim students, or even the cyber army, are all connected through a jihad spirit and lead us to fight more against this act of manipulation. (takbir!).
then surprisingly, number of muslims keep increasing. curiosity, as a nature of human lead them to learn more and find out about islam. what is islam exactly? .then Allah guide them to the light.

Islam is for those who are willing to think

and so, there, up there in our governance wonderland, our hypocrisy officials start to worry, desperately finding a way to protect their position and ego. then there he is, come out nowhere and said something out of his mind :

politic and religion is something that need to be separated. literally, a complete separation.

ah feels like ever heard it somewhere. similar to the communist ideology.
no, wait. it’s exactly the same.
a complete duplication.

then again, some of people still find this as something normal. even some are nodding their head and start agreeing.
dude.. cant you just see his clear evil motive? a motive to wreck this magnificent country and betray all our hero’s effort when winning this country back then?
he is just about to sell this country to some greedy bastard out there.

*breath heavily*

he and his people are thinking hard finding a way to win the upcoming selection. even their red queen was pleading us a help with such a pathetic expression filled with crocodile tears for their winning.
is winning is the only thing they can think of? show us enough that they think nothing about us. they merely think about position.


May Allah bless us and this almost-ruined country

Disiksa Tiba Tiba

الانعام : 44 فلما نسوا ما ذكروا به فتحنا عليهم ابواب كل شي ء. حتى اذا فر حوا بما اوتوااخذنهم بغتة فاذا هم مبلسون. Maka ketika mereka melup...